Check out some of my new t-shirts. Now go to the Portland Saturday Market and buy some. Or you could buy them online...Designed and printed by yours truly.
pf jones

there's more shirts, i'll put them up later...
Check out some of my new t-shirts. Now go to the Portland Saturday Market and buy some. Or you could buy them online...Designed and printed by yours truly.
pf jones
So anyone who lives in portland should go eat at paradox cafe on SE Bellmont and 35th ave. my paintings are hanging there. for two months. maybe you'll buy one.
the thing is i'm just not that much of an 'internet' person. i feel like i'd like to become one, but i'm also just not that willing to spend much time in front of a computer. this blog was intended to be an art blog, it doesn't feel that way to me. it feels like a crapped together half-blog. it does not feel like it represents the things that i am currently creating. i'd like that to change. i'm composing this post because i've got to start somewhere. if i do nothing, it will be nothing. its a start, right?
so here. a picture taken from the window of first place i ever lived in portland. i'd only lived here a short while, maybe 2 months. i really like the colors in the picture. i think i messed with it on photoshop. a few weeks after i took this picture, i started a painting of some birds on a wire. when i finally finished it, it wasn't really representative of the way i felt at the time of this picture. i like the finished painting, but its definitely not as lonely feeling as the photo. its because by the time i'd finished the painting it was spring, and i'd been here a while, and i knew people, and i was feeling different things and i'd learned things about myself and painting. all of that went into the painting. its funny that i'm writing this now because i was actually looking at that painting just a few hours ago. it hangs in my sister's boyfriend's living room. he bought it. (yay for selling artwork. yay for people buying it) yay for starting things and watching them grow and then finishing them.