it seems like i've had 'write a blog' on my to do list for the past few weeks, so i suppose i'm going to do that. and then i'm gonna cross that shit off my list.
First, i've got some shirts for sale at the new herbivore store in portland.
so that's exciting. the new store is pretty sweet, and actually, the whole vegan mini-mall thing is pretty awesome, so if you live in portland, you should really go down there and check it out.

Second, i've been crocheting a shit ton of hats. one a night, which is freaking quick, right? i learned to crochet on the streets, so each one is special and unique, no two are the same. i'm not really sure what i'm going to do with all these hats. give them as christmas gifts, maybe? or maybe i'm on a mission to make the perfect crocheted hat. each hat is bringing me closer to hat-making excellence. maybe not, i just know that for some reason i'm compelled to keep on making them. so that's what i'm gonna do.
this is the first one since the crocheting began. it has ear flaps.

Finally- and this really isn't art related but whatever-
cat face is being incredibly cute right now. maybe a little invasive. i think he really just wants me to get off of this chair so he can have it all to himself. he kinda has one claw out that's digging into my arm for some reason. but its still cute. and i took a picture to document his cuteness: