Last night amelia 'said' more. as in give me more rice. she said it in sign language. her first sign language word. it was really cute and amazing.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
art 118 project 2
just letting you all know what i've been up to these past few days.
this is project 2 for art 118 -- designing with type.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
todos con obama
I got this picture when Obama came to Portland the first time in March. I had never been to a political rally like this before. I was sold. I've never felt this way about a politician before, I expect total awesomeness from him. I don't know what to say, other than I'm so glad that he was elected and I'm looking forward to the 'change' we've been waiting for.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
panda baby
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
my little art project.
i made this for my art 118 class. the assignment was to use a minimum of 30 geometric shapes and the required text to create a 'dynamic' and 'interesting' image. hopefully my professor doesn't think its a load of crap. we have a class critique on monday.
what do you think?
yeah- i know.
Friday, October 17, 2008
hi. its me. i'm still here...
In the month of September, we moved in to a new house, I turned 26, Amelia started crawling, and I started going to school. Its a lot of fun.
I really love our new house- it is beautiful and old and roomy and I get really excited when I think about filling it up with furniture and decorating it as the months/years go by. it happens to be my latest obsession. I really like to look at decor blogs, and design blogs, and drool over things, or wish for things to put in our house. Sadly, not much has happened in the way of actually decorating... it seems like I don't really have a minute of free time.
School is keeping me pretty busy. I'm studying graphic design. Its really exciting, and fun and I love it. But its a little bit hard. the computer part. But i'm learning. and I still love it. Here is a picture of a pattern that I mad in one of my classes:
This comes from a flickr site that I've created for the class, so if anyone is interested in seeing some of the things that I'm making- check it out or something.
Here's the link...
I miss Amelia and Jake when I'm at school all day, but they're always just as cute as can be when I get back to them. Amelia has taken to being with her dad full time and I think they make a great pair.
In all the things that have been happening, I haven't really found the time to get my craft on like was before. That part has been a little hard on me because I feel like I've had to let go of something that I was working on and put it aside for a while. Its been happening gradually. I'm in the process of changing the way my business works, which might take a month or so, but I'm pretty sure the end result will be online sales,(in the form of an Etsy to begin with) and a break from the Portland Saturday Market (hopefully picking back up in the spring). I just need to modify the way I'm doing things so that I can balance life, family, school, and still be making and selling like I was before. Bear with me, I'll get there.
So, that's it for now. I hope to blog again some time this month, but you never can tell.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
the babes.
Mimi is really freaking cute these days. She has 3, almost 4 teeth. She can almost crawl, almost wave, loves the cat and the dog, so hard. She says ba ba, da da, ppppthhhhbbb, as well as many other sweet little baby words. She eats lots of different fruits and vegetables, she tried her first tortilla chip today, and did I mention she's really cute? Yeah. And she likes to swing.
Monday, September 1, 2008
plastic bag bags...
I've been wanting to do this for a long time.
Ever since I found out that I could iron plastic bags together and sew them up, I've been collecting them, and hording them, and waiting for the perfect time to try it out.
I didn't want to iron bags together while I was pregnant, because of possible toxic creepiness. (I don't have a problem exposing myself to toxins, however)
I finally got around to trying it out over the long weekend. Its pretty clear that I'm going to have to work on my ironing technique, sometimes when the iron was too hot it melted little holes in the bags. I still like the bags that I made, but it would be better if there weren't little melty holes.
For those of you who don't know, here's how its done:
*you get your plastic bags
*you get your iron
*you get some wax paper (so the plastic doesn't stick to your iron)
cut apart the bags so that they can be laid flat,
iron the pieces together one at a time.
a layer of about 4 or 5 makes a good thickness to sew with.
then just make them into whatever you want!
I made makeup, or pencil, or brush, or whatever bags:
I'm going to be making Jake a new wallet next~
Friday, August 29, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
short days
Yesterday night, I was incredibly tired. I was in bed at 9, ready to fall asleep, when I noticed that the sun had already set. It made me a little bit sad. I mean, its no surprise. I've noticed it setting earlier and earlier this past month, but still, I always get a little bit sad when summer ends. I'm going to miss it.
In honor of summer ending, I made a mix tape. Its been a million years since I've made a mix tape. Remember mix tapes? Making them for your friends or for your crush? Remember before CDs, making them using other tapes? or the radio to record off of? Wow. Kids these days will never know. Such a labor of love. (I'm pretty sure I've never used that cliche, and hopefully I don't ever do it again)
This one was way easier to make. Its my first online mix tape ever, the website is pretty cool.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Normally, I would be including pictures. Personally, I hate looking at blogs without them, (ug. boring) but somehow in my caffinated fury I've misplaced the camera. hmmmm. yeah, I really have no idea where it hopped off to. Oh well, baby's up. (dang caffinated breast milk) am I a bad parent? nah. Ok got to run!! later, my bloggy friends.
Friday, August 15, 2008
me & mimi
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Starting today and every thursday for six weeks i'm going to be taking business classes. i'm really looking forward to learning how to be a better businessperson. hopefully i learn a lot. yay.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
happy birthday?
i'vebeen really busy these past couple of weeks doing god only knows what. blogging about all of the awesome things that i've been doing has been moved to the back burner.
i think baby amelia is beginning to get her top teeth. this makes her sad sometimes. she's going to look really cute when they grow in, though. 4 teeth! yay!
starting tomorrow, my darling is going to be in Las Vegas and then NYC without me. for several days. i have big plans to do some crazy cleaning in our little home and do some crafty crafting that i've been neglecting. keeping myself busy and stuff... today i made a list of projects that i've started but haven't completed. its long. well, longer than i'd like for it to be. i'd really like to have every project done the same day i start it. yeah, right.
oh, yeah, so happy birthday to my blog. i forgot. that's what i really wanted to write about. its been a year and a month and i feel good about that.
ok, i've got to check on my artichoke. seriously. literally. i don't want to over cook it.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
coffee cuff-a-rama
So, i've kind of gone to town making re-usable coffee cuffs (or condoms, depending on who you ask). whenever i have a free moment, i whip up three or four. when i get back from missouri, i'm going to take the whole lot of them over to the gladstone coffee in southeast p-town. one of my housemates was in there studying and she ended up convincing the owner that it would be awesome if he carried them. (thanks lucy!)
they've evolved a little since the first one that i made for angela.
pretty sweet, huh?
so, mimi and i are leaving tomorrow to spend 4th of july with my family. we're going to miss jake :<
i'll post again when i get back.
hope you all have a happy holiday!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
why do people spell things with a 'k' just to be kute? ugh, gawd.

I made this for ang
i made it for two reasons:
one- she commented on my blog.
two- i'm pretty sure she likes coffee.
(it will be in the mail tomorrow)
june? really?
It was sunny for about ten seconds this afternoon, so mimi and porter and i went out and picked some flowers.
despite still feeling like summer is never coming, i love living somewhere where things just grow all by themselves.
here they are in a vase. i realy think forget-me-nots might be my favorite flower. well, one of my favorites...
Sunday, June 8, 2008
pictures of things...
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
I'mparticipating in something called the sketch book project. check it out. pictures of my progress to follow...
Monday, May 19, 2008
started and finished projects
Welp, i made my prototype. see, its a tie that you can wear as a scarf. a little rough, but it works. i've got some more work to do with the zipper and with deciding weather to line it with some other fabric to make it more scarf-y. the basic idea seems to work out nicely and i'm happy about that. unfortunately, my neck is too big to have a pictiure of me wearing it. next time i'm going to measure.
In other news... i finally finished the leg warmers that i made for amelia!
they're really cute, i had exactly the right ammount of yarn which is crazy. they were started at a time when her legs were much skinnier. soon they'll be arm warmers. and then i guess they'll have to be passed on to her soon to be baby cousin!
so that's all for now. gotta go walk the porter. it's already 80 degrees outside!YES!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
And by the way, i apologize for the lack of punctuation in that last post. its hard to type while holding a baby, much less feeding one.
Amelia and i went to my parent's house in arizona. we got back on tuesday. it was sunny and warm and fun and relaxing and mimi and i had a really good time being with family and friends. while i was there i started a new project using my dad's old ties... its still in the planning stage. and since i'm still unpacking i'm thinking i probably won't start working on it till next week... i'll post some pictures once i have a better idea of how i'm going to make my idea a reality.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Amelia Rocks
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
new shirts
Isold a bunch of shirts on saturday, so i decided to stay home from the market on sunday and make more. Next saturday i'll have 4 new types of shirts available! AND hopefully my new button making supplies will come this week so i'll have more buttons too!
Oh, and by the way, i took all of the pay pal buttons off of my older posts. i did it a while ago, actually. it was too much to think about keeping track of what i had for the online 'store' and the booth at saturday market. but, i should mention that i'm still more than happy to sell shirts to people who live in places other than portland, though. just let me know if you see something you like and i'll try to get it to you!
Friday, April 11, 2008
eleven week birthday/going back to saturday market
tomorrow is supposed to be a beautiful day too, and i'm excited. I'm going to be down at saturday market for the first time since i've had amelia. it feels funny to think about spending a whole day without her, but its time. the last time i sold at saturday market i was VERY pregnant. i had to pee every 6 minutes and i was an awkward chubby ball of babyness. plus it was SUPER cold out there. tomorrow will be the opposite of that. YES!
so, have a fantastic weekend, and if you're in portland, come say hi to me!
Friday, April 4, 2008
airport birds.
We went to texas last week for spring break. It was awesome. Warm weather, Shaved Ice, lots of family, lots of presents. On the way back to Oregon, Jake and I decided to get bumped to a later flight so we could each get vouchers for our next trip somewhere. we hung out in the phoenix airport for a really long time. maybe 10 hours. i might be exaggerating. a really long time though. we'd find a spot that wasn't too crowded, hang out there for a while, go get something to eat, find a different spot... it really wasn't too bad. we had plenty of chairs, bathrooms, food, and internet. Amelia was a good sport about it. I had a good time watching people and listening in to their conversations. the craziest thing was the birds. have i just never noticed the birds in airports before? there were a few in the lubbock airport & several in the phoenix airport (i didn't see any in the san jose airport, but maybe it was too late and they were all sleeping). it makes sense, i guess... there's plenty of food, high celings, no real predators. But isn't that weird? don't they miss the outdoors? can they get in and out? do they just stay in the airport for their entire lives? do they lay eggs and have babies that know nothing of the outdoors? who picks up the bodies when they crash into that big window? is it weird that i'm so obsessed with them? i think jake thought it was.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
knitting club. crocheters welcome.
Caryn and i have started knitting club. its pretty rad. it officially started last wednesday. i started making some legwarmers for amelia, but i think maybe i'm going to turn them into tights. tights will be way cuter. i'm just not sure how to make the butt part. maybe someone at yarn garden can show me how, that's where knitting club meets. there's a comfy couch and a guy to make you some coffee, plus TONS AND TONS of awesome yarns.
here's a picture of one leg:
that was taken a few days ago, they're a bit bigger now. i'll keep posting the progress...
i'm also making a hat, but its a little rough looking, so i'm not putting a picture. i think i might actually break down and look at a pattern because i want a specific type of hat and i don't seem to be able to make one up that works.
she's starting to wake up... so that's it for today!
Friday, February 29, 2008
drawing my drawings

My first sketch book took me about a year to fill up. I had never kept a sketch book before and sometimes i would find it difficult to think
of something to draw. when i filled that first book, it was a huge sense of accomplishment for me. i was so excited about actually filling up a whole sketch book! in the days leading up to the completion i bought a new sketch book, it sat in my room, patiently waiting for me to draw on the last page of that first book. i like to go back and look at that first sketch book every now and then. its like looking back at myself, the way i used to draw, the things that i used to have on my mind reflected in what's on the paper. when i compare the first book to the next, and the one after that, the change in my style and ability is dramatic. after finishing the second sketch book i just couldn't stop sketching, filling up 2 or 3 sketch books a year (always the same kind, except for this one time when i was on vacation and i got the smaller version). my sketch books are a great way for me to be inspired in other mediums. if i'm looking for something to paint or print, i can find some drawing that i liked out of one of my sketch books and elaborate on it.
the sketch book that i'm currently using is one that i've had since september 07. that's kind of a long time for me. i guess i just haven't had as much time to sit and sketch these past few months. maybe i'm doing something else with that time. anyway, i've got about 2/3 of the book drawn in, and i'm determined to fill up the rest soon. i don't know how soon... but soon!
here are some drawings.