Friday, February 29, 2008

drawing my drawings

My first sketch book took me about a year to fill up. I had never kept a sketch book before and sometimes i would find it difficult to think
of something to draw. when i filled that first book, it was a huge sense of accomplishment for me. i was so excited about actually filling up a whole sketch book! in the days leading up to the completion i bought a new sketch book, it sat in my room, patiently waiting for me to draw on the last page of that first book. i like to go back and look at that first sketch book every now and then. its like looking back at myself, the way i used to draw, the things that i used to have on my mind reflected in what's on the paper. when i compare the first book to the next, and the one after that, the change in my style and ability is dramatic. after finishing the second sketch book i just couldn't stop sketching, filling up 2 or 3 sketch books a year (always the same kind, except for this one time when i was on vacation and i got the smaller version). my sketch books are a great way for me to be inspired in other mediums. if i'm looking for something to paint or print, i can find some drawing that i liked out of one of my sketch books and elaborate on it.

the sketch book that i'm currently using is one that i've had since september 07. that's kind of a long time for me. i guess i just haven't had as much time to sit and sketch these past few months. maybe i'm doing something else with that time. anyway, i've got about 2/3 of the book drawn in, and i'm determined to fill up the rest soon. i don't know how soon... but soon!
here are some drawings.

Friday, February 22, 2008

things in the backyard

that was yesterday. it was so sunny outside. and warm. i can't WAIT for summer!!

Today is baby amelia's one month birthday. she celebrated by drinking until she vomited all over herself, getting cleaned up, and then having a little more. breast milk, that is. what a girl. its so amazing to watch her grow and change. i feel like i'm so obsessed. i can't wait to see the next cool thing she's going to do, to see her get bigger, start running around and saying silly things... but at some point i'm going to miss these days when she was just a little blob girl who made silly faces and didn't know that her hands were connected to her body.