Yesterday night, I was incredibly tired. I was in bed at 9, ready to fall asleep, when I noticed that the sun had already set. It made me a little bit sad. I mean, its no surprise. I've noticed it setting earlier and earlier this past month, but still, I always get a little bit sad when summer ends. I'm going to miss it.

In honor of summer ending, I made a mix tape. Its been a million years since I've made a mix tape. Remember mix tapes? Making them for your friends or for your crush? Remember before CDs, making them using other tapes? or the radio to record off of? Wow. Kids these days will never know. Such a labor of love. (I'm pretty sure I've never used that cliche, and hopefully I don't ever do it again)
This one was
way easier to make. Its my first online mix tape ever, the website is pretty cool.