Monday, August 25, 2008

short days

Yesterday night, I was incredibly tired. I was in bed at 9, ready to fall asleep, when I noticed that the sun had already set. It made me a little bit sad. I mean, its no surprise. I've noticed it setting earlier and earlier this past month, but still, I always get a little bit sad when summer ends. I'm going to miss it.

MixwitMixwit make a mixtapeMixwit mixtapes

In honor of summer ending, I made a mix tape. Its been a million years since I've made a mix tape. Remember mix tapes? Making them for your friends or for your crush? Remember before CDs, making them using other tapes? or the radio to record off of? Wow. Kids these days will never know. Such a labor of love. (I'm pretty sure I've never used that cliche, and hopefully I don't ever do it again)
This one was way easier to make. Its my first online mix tape ever, the website is pretty cool.

Friday, August 22, 2008

new and exciting thngs.

at last!
at last!

just in time
for the market

it prevents cold hands too!

Mysister sent me this picture this morning of the coffee cuff i made for her!

Cute, huh?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


oh holy crap dang, i had way too much coffee this morning. Or maybe it was the waffles with syrup. I'm not really sure, but I am definitely overly hyper this morning. I'm taking care of a bunch of business errands today. Just as soon as Amelia wakes up from her nap, we're off!
Normally, I would be including pictures. Personally, I hate looking at blogs without them, (ug. boring) but somehow in my caffinated fury I've misplaced the camera. hmmmm. yeah, I really have no idea where it hopped off to. Oh well, baby's up. (dang caffinated breast milk) am I a bad parent? nah. Ok got to run!! later, my bloggy friends.

Friday, August 15, 2008

me & mimi

me & mimi
Originally uploaded by jake_mrtnz
i know its been a little while since i've blogged. it seems like the days when i have a little extra time to myself, i don't really want to spend it blogging my blog. whatevs. i took this picture of me and the meems yesterday, you can hardly even tell that its me who took it, right? we were just chillin in the back yard before swim lessons. jake and i are looking for a new house right now. its fun. and hopefully we find a really good one and don't have to do this again for a few years. ok, that's all. just a little update.