This is a really beautiful typeface. just sayin.
i finished making the posters to promote my typeface. i'm still not sure how i feel about them, but that's usually how it is after staring at something for several hours.
one thing for sure, i wish i would have printed them on the khaki paper that i was using. as it turned out, i didn't have any left that was big enough for a poster, so i used some printmaking paper. i think it was Reeves BFK. there's a little bit of a disconnect from the stuff i made earlier and these posters because of the change in paper. hmmm....
i made two different posters, and as i was printing them, there was one that i totally liked better than the other one, but by the end, something happened and i ended up liking the one that i thought i was going to have to scrap and hating the one i thought was coming out nicely. i might use the one that sucks and re-do my envelope, but i'm still not sure i want to go hacking into anything just yet.
since my necklaces that i ordered aren't ready, i thought i might make some buttons or print on some fabric and make some patches, or print on fabric and make some cloth buttons. cloth buttons are rad. i might. it really depends on if i have time tomorrow before i go to school to print up a few things.
aight, i'm out.
later bloggity friends.
the recipe booklets are due tomorrow. i don't think i'm too satisfied with mine. i had a lot of technical problems with the colors. you would think working with only three colors would be easier. i think i should have gotten help from our professor, but i never got around to doing that, and that's my fault. at this point, though i'm just like whatevs its done. i can think of a few things that i'll be changing about the booklet for the portfolio review - such as color, more time spent on the typography, better arrow drawings, so, yeah. but its monday night, so i guess i'll be done for now.
(a few more screen shots @ my flickr page)
i listened to this whole thing on mute and still understood it.it was like a recipe without words.
welp, i finished my typeface... well, sort of, i still want to do numbers and maybe some dingbats, but i've got to work on another neglected project. so i think this is it for now.
so....i've been doing some things... working on my experimental typeface. i've gotten to letter 'P'. wooh, 16 letters, i'm almost there. its getting easier to construct the shapes as i go along. after this, i'm going to start putting them into words and see if they read. then do some adjustments... CHECK THEM OUT!
Todayi finished my first project for my bookbinding class. the assignment was to take a random quote from this old book of quotes and design a book around that quote without actually using it in the book. my quote was by some guy named george granville. basically, he was just some English creepster who was born into wealth and then ripped off some of Shakespeare's plays, had some crappy poetry, and at some point was quoted as saying "whimsy, not reason, is the female guide"
so that was the quote that i used to design my book. as you may have noticed, i'm not a huge fan of george granville and as i began planning how i would make my book, i kept getting annoyed at the quote. i mean, who is this granville guy to say that women are guided by whimsy and not reason. what does he even know? ugh, jerk. but part of the assignment was that we couldn't switch quotes, so i was stuck with it.
i decided to break down the quote and come up with key words for each part. it went something like this:
whimsy: whim, whim-wham, ridiculous notion, wander, whisk, trifle, giddy, fancy, fantastical, rash, sudden, impulsive, why not?, caprice, bold.
reason: reasonable, sensible, ordered, logical, centered, clear, precise, neat, smart, sense, feeling in control, understandable.
female: shoes, fashion, shopping, magazines, lipstick, barbies, glamour, trinkets, little boxes to put stuff in, jewels, tacky, crafty, yard, ornaments, flowers, perfume, doilies, pink, pastel, ribbons, nail polish.
please note that for my female key words, i was thinking more along the lines of the stereotypical extreme frilly girly type that i'm assuming george granville was talking about.
so, real briefly, here's what i did to make my book:
i began gathering pictures that represented women and whimsey as the female 'guide'.
basically i chopped up a few NYLON and Star magazines and then pieced them together on some paper i had leftover from some other project. it was looking a little um... high school collage, so i added some cool net-ish paper over the top to kind of tone it down and give it that 'ordered' look. next, i bound it together (using a saddle stich), made the cover, sewed some details with my sewing machine, other than some technical things i'm pretty happy with how it came out. and um... yeah, here are some pictures!
welp,i'm going to start using this as a school blog. i figure its easier than starting up a new blog (i did that once, but it was very boring). plus, what else do i really have to blog about? other than um, like, eating something yummy, or daffodils blooming, or amelia doing something cute and that's all just blah blah blah....
so, now its official.
i am blogging about school, specifically my art 254 and my art 225 classes, but there might also be some of my bookmaking class thrown in here too. that's it though. for the rest of this term, i'm only blogging about school. no crafts, no babies, no bikes, no knitting, or sewing. like i have time for that stuff anyway. no rambling either.
ok, here are some typefaces that i found that were interesting to me for some reason or another: