Friday, July 24, 2009

my zine

my zine, originally uploaded by bunnyjrobot.

i just finished. its a really good feeling to have finished something. it feels like i haven't done much of that this summer.
now hopefully tomorrow goes well, i'm working @ the psu graphic design program's table at the zine symp. i'm bringing amelia. i sure hope she's down for it.

i forgot to mention that if you want a copy of my zine, its only TWO DOLLARS! let me know and i can mail one.

also, amelia had a great time @ PZS

Monday, July 20, 2009

i'm a little late posting this...

i'm more of a skeptic myself.

i think more because i love a good conspiracy than anything else.

*click for larger view.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

look up....

hello again.
if you look at my blog through your google reader you should go look at the actual blog because i changed my headline picture thingy banner whatever you call it. anyway, its really cute. i made it using a scanned drawing and photoshop. i used to be afraid of photoshop, but after messing around with it tonight i'm a lot less afraid. ok, that's all, just a quick little update.

Monday, July 13, 2009


hello friends.

i really can't believe that july is halfway done! this summer its been a bit hard to get any of my big art projects done, or started, for that matter... but one thing that i WILL be doing is putting together a zine and selling it at the portland zine symposium! woot! (if any of you are in Portland, come check it out!) my zine is going to be a collection of self portraits that i drew while i was pregnant with amelia.

one of the best pregnancy books that jake and i read (and we read a bunch of them) was this zine called Placenta Zine. i don't know who made it or if there are any others, but it was a really sweet zine with birth stories, and basically how to be a radical parent.

i think my zine is going to be my tribute to Placenta Zine, in a way, although i'm not sure if i'll have much text, i think its mostly going to be to story of my pregnancy told through drawings. i'm also thinking that if i can pull it off, i'll put together another little zine of some illustrated conversations that i have in some of my sketch books. here's a little preview of some of the drawings that will be in my zine...

also, the link to pdx zines

Thursday, July 9, 2009

hello kitty

hello kitty
tuns thirty-five this year! i have loved hello kitty and all of her little friends for a very long time. i remember spending hours in the Sanrio stores looking at all the little treasures. the anniversary website is amazing, they have cataloged all kinds of hello kitty merchandise from all of the years. its wonderful. i could seriously be on there for hours looking for things that i used to have. obsessed. literally, i'm obsessed with it. if only i still had my hello kitty stamp set...