hello friends.
i really can't believe that july is halfway done! this summer its been a bit hard to get any of my big art projects done, or started, for that matter... but one thing that i WILL be doing is putting together a zine and selling it at the portland zine symposium! woot! (if any of you are in Portland, come check it out!) my zine is going to be a collection of self portraits that i drew while i was pregnant with amelia.
one of the best pregnancy books that jake and i read (and we read a bunch of them) was this zine called Placenta Zine. i don't know who made it or if there are any others, but it was a really sweet zine with birth stories, and basically how to be a radical parent.
i think my zine is going to be my tribute to Placenta Zine, in a way, although i'm not sure if i'll have much text, i think its mostly going to be to story of my pregnancy told through drawings. i'm also thinking that if i can pull it off, i'll put together another little zine of some illustrated conversations that i have in some of my sketch books. here's a little preview of some of the drawings that will be in my zine...
also, the link to pdx zines