Monday, May 19, 2008

started and finished projects

Welp, i made my prototype. see, its a tie that you can wear as a scarf. a little rough, but it works. i've got some more work to do with the zipper and with deciding weather to line it with some other fabric to make it more scarf-y. the basic idea seems to work out nicely and i'm happy about that. unfortunately, my neck is too big to have a pictiure of me wearing it. next time i'm going to measure.

In other news... i finally finished the leg warmers that i made for amelia!

they're really cute, i had exactly the right ammount of yarn which is crazy. they were started at a time when her legs were much skinnier. soon they'll be arm warmers. and then i guess they'll have to be passed on to her soon to be baby cousin!

so that's all for now. gotta go walk the porter. it's already 80 degrees outside!YES!

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