Tuesday, August 19, 2008


oh holy crap dang, i had way too much coffee this morning. Or maybe it was the waffles with syrup. I'm not really sure, but I am definitely overly hyper this morning. I'm taking care of a bunch of business errands today. Just as soon as Amelia wakes up from her nap, we're off!
Normally, I would be including pictures. Personally, I hate looking at blogs without them, (ug. boring) but somehow in my caffinated fury I've misplaced the camera. hmmmm. yeah, I really have no idea where it hopped off to. Oh well, baby's up. (dang caffinated breast milk) am I a bad parent? nah. Ok got to run!! later, my bloggy friends.

1 comment:

caryn said...

you are such a crackhead.