Friday, September 11, 2009

september 11

september 11, originally uploaded by bunnyjrobot.

so i solved the problem with drawing hands, (not mittens) just put them behind my back. the skirt i'm wearing is made of two of my favorite t-shirts, one is from some school or maybe a camp in vermont, and the other is a neil diamond concert t-shirt. i wore this skirt a bunch when i was preggo because it was so stretchy and comfy, its also really cool. cool, cool. well, its both kinds of cool. whatever. today its supposed to be super hot. in the 90s or something! i'm so glad because i was worried we weren't going to get to use the baby pool again this summer. i still need to get better at drawing hands, but i'll save that for another day. i'm off to go eat some leftover pad thai!


Brenden+Nikki said...

so cute Laura. I wish I could draw myself like this to come up with better outfits to wear. Then again I can only fit into 3 shirts right now anyway as I transition into post pregnancy so I wouldn't have much to draw anyway.

I hope you guys come to AZ soon. I totally want to visit with you and see you!!

{Jeff+Elisa} said...

Cherry!!! were Cherry and I was Berry right? Anyways...I'm all for you just drawing circles for the hands and feet, I mean that's how we drew our famous stick figures in high school!! Gosh, come to think of it Nikki's stick figures were the best. I'm really impressed by all your pictures you have drawn!! They look awesome!! My art talent still just lies in the crayola markers and I need help!