Monday, September 14, 2009

september 13

september 13, originally uploaded by bunnyjrobot.

sunday was a really fun day. Alma midwifery had their annual picnic at Creston park which is right down the street from where jake & i used to live. my sister & her babies met us there. its fun to see the midwifes and talk about babies and see all the new babies... babies, babies, babies! and lots of yummy food. after that, all of us biked to NE and hung out, went to a coffee shop, went to an expensive hipster thrift store where there were lots and lots of cute things. i bought a scarf. & some awesome shoes, but i'm getting ahead of myself... i need to start working on today's drawing...

also, sometimes when i blog from flickr it chops my picture like it did on this one, you can click for the full size or click where it says 'by bunnyjrobot' and you'll go to my flickr page...

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