Friday, September 18, 2009

september 17

september 17, originally uploaded by bunnyjrobot.

what i wore today. well yesterday, actually. but whatevs.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

september 16

september 16, originally uploaded by bunnyjrobot.

i look a little like sloth from Goonies in this one.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

september 15

september 15, originally uploaded by bunnyjrobot.

what i wore today. quick & dirty. literally. its a boring outfit, but i'm committed, so there it is. maybe tomorrow i'll be looking a little better. maybe i should just draw amelia's outfits, she's cute all the time.

Monday, September 14, 2009

september 14

september 14, originally uploaded by bunnyjrobot.

okay, so i'm doubling up today so i can be caught up. today i went to school to turn in some paperwork. it was the first time i'd been around campus in a while & just being there made me excited about school starting up again soon! at the same time, i'm a little sad, we've had such a fun summer i don't know if i'm really ready to say goodbye and get back to work just yet. i've got a few more weeks, i guess. tomorrow, the people writing stories for the Portland Spectator (the student run magazine i work for) are supposed to have their rough drafts in. i want to get working... it goes to press the 28th. same day school starts... this will be my first issue doing the art direction. i'm looking forward to it.

september 13

september 13, originally uploaded by bunnyjrobot.

sunday was a really fun day. Alma midwifery had their annual picnic at Creston park which is right down the street from where jake & i used to live. my sister & her babies met us there. its fun to see the midwifes and talk about babies and see all the new babies... babies, babies, babies! and lots of yummy food. after that, all of us biked to NE and hung out, went to a coffee shop, went to an expensive hipster thrift store where there were lots and lots of cute things. i bought a scarf. & some awesome shoes, but i'm getting ahead of myself... i need to start working on today's drawing...

also, sometimes when i blog from flickr it chops my picture like it did on this one, you can click for the full size or click where it says 'by bunnyjrobot' and you'll go to my flickr page...

Friday, September 11, 2009

september 11

september 11, originally uploaded by bunnyjrobot.

so i solved the problem with drawing hands, (not mittens) just put them behind my back. the skirt i'm wearing is made of two of my favorite t-shirts, one is from some school or maybe a camp in vermont, and the other is a neil diamond concert t-shirt. i wore this skirt a bunch when i was preggo because it was so stretchy and comfy, its also really cool. cool, cool. well, its both kinds of cool. whatever. today its supposed to be super hot. in the 90s or something! i'm so glad because i was worried we weren't going to get to use the baby pool again this summer. i still need to get better at drawing hands, but i'll save that for another day. i'm off to go eat some leftover pad thai!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

september 10

september 10, originally uploaded by bunnyjrobot.

so, its not every day, but i'm trying. it actually takes a lot longer than i thought to draw, scan & color a picture. maybe i'll start trying out different methods. also, i have a hard time drawing hands and feet. i think this happens to a lot of people. i'd like to just draw a circle at the end of the arm, but that's not going to work.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

september 8

september 8, originally uploaded by bunnyjrobot.

this is a day late, i realize. i plan on doing this daily or as close to daily as possible. i need to draw more. this will give me something to draw & make me better at figure drawing.