Thursday, June 4, 2009

authentic tube sticker.

authentic tube sticker., originally uploaded by bunnyjrobot.

I'm so so so glad to have the portfolio review behind me, only now, there's the mountain of work that I have been neglecting and need to finish to make it out of the term in good shape.
I've got my poster series that I'm working on, four books that I need to finish making for the critique on Monday, I need to buy more 4x6 cards for the little term-long type project that I totally didn't forget about until the last minute, and I have a group project that needs some love too. I'll be updating to my flickr more regularly as the work starts workin' ... one more week left, & I can't wait for my summer break to begin.

1 comment:

katebingburt said...

I am ready for the quarter to end too...still a pile of work left for me as well and I can relate how everything should BE finished and FEELS like it is finished...except that it isn't. ack!